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Was this action assertive or correct?

Is there a difference?


On the contrary of what many people think, assertive and correct are words with different meanings, but capable of interrelation. The study of the origin of the words (etymology) helps us to clarify some conceptual peculiarities  1:

1. Assertive. The term assertive comes from assertion and this from the Latin language, assertum, “affirmative proposition, assertion, affirmation”. It appeared in the 16th century. 

2. Correct. The word correct comes from Latin correct, "made straight, amended" and from the verb corrigere, form cor- “together” and regere “guide” It appeared in the 14th century.

Knowing the applications and implications of these concepts can help in the cosmoethic calibration of personal manifestations, favouring lucid adjustments of various daily behaviours.




Assertiveness has different approaches and perspectives of application. Some definitions in the human sciences are highlighted below, in alphabetical order: 

1. Self-affirmation. Assertiveness is the ability to affirm one's own rights, without being manipulated and without manipulating others 2. 

2. Defense. “Acting assertively means defending yourself in a situation of injustice or, at the least, seeking to re-establish a rule that, when broken, causes some kind of damage to the person or their group” 3. 

3. Expression. Ability with many variations manifested in situations of interpersonal interaction, characterized by behaviours that reveal the ability to disagree with others (say no), self-affirm, demand without constraints, and freely express any feeling, whether positive or negative  4. 

Through the consciential paradigm, the conception of assertiveness takes on new contours, emerging the combined concept of cosmoethic assertiveness. In this regard, interassistantial duty is considered above the defence of the individual right to self-affirm. “All the cosmoethic acts of consciousness are altruistic in their essence” 5.


The experience of assertiveness only by the human morality may not include the healthy and rational self-abnegation present in cosmoethic consciousness, which strives to apply in practice the advanced precepts of cosmic, universal and multidimensional morality, considering in detail the range of the effects of the acts themselves.


Thus, from the perspective of Communicology, cosmoethic assertiveness can be defined by the consciential ability to express thoughts, sentiments and energies (thosenes) in a clear and affirmative manner, with straight postures, actions and interassistantial procedures 6.

Assertivology is the science that studies the acts or effects of cosmoethic assertive behaviours, including many intimate postures of a high level of self-discernment, such as confidence, conviction, decision, determination, firmness, straightness, security and objectivity. Assertivology aims to always seek Correctivology  7. 




Correctivology is a science applied to the study of the act or effect of doing the correct thing. It can be understood by the correction, accuracy or precision of conducts instead of deficitary omissions, mistakes, misconceptions, flaws or errors properly speaking. 

The constant exercise of self-criticism, characterized by cosmoethic self-assessment, in an adjusted, lucid, correct and accurate way, allows the interested consciousness to identify deviant manifestations that are components of the triad of errors, composed by three parapatological acts, on an ascending scale of dysfunctionality 8:

1. Deficitary omission. Faulty, missing, careless consciential manifestation regarding existential demands, causing loss of evolutionary opportunities.

2. Mistake. Wrong, irregular, foolish, out of place or out of time act due to false judgment, with unbalancing consciential repercussions.

3. Error. Incorrect, distorted, regressive attitude, which, if maintained in a relentless, persistent and recalcitrant way, consolidates self-corruption, opportuning the manifestation of intraphysical melancholy (melin).

The cosmoethic principle that governs the conducts based on Correctivology is the immediate self-correction from the observation of omission, mistake or error, which can occur in an isolated or combined way. Therefore, it is necessary a de-dramatized self-critical analysis of the intimate adjustments needed, inherent to the evolution of the consciousness.

Demonstrates evolutionary intelligence who seeks correct actions at the maximum, by amplifying the ability to discern between the logical and the illogical, the ideal and the mediocre, and between the healthy and the pathological in decision-making. This sharp posture allows the entrance and maintenance of consciousness in the evolutionary megafocus. Doing the right thing is human.

The paratherapeutic approach focused on the right thing to do is characterized, therefore, by the primacy of moral rectitude, by cosmoethic linearity in the emission of thoughts, feelings and energies (thosenes), in another word, by the progressive experience of inevitable self-corrections to the evolution of all beings. “The evolutionary hits affect the personal thosenosphere and influence the general holosphere, that is, the Cosmos”  7.


Authoress: Flávia Aouar Cerqueira, conscientiotherapist and volunteer at Organização Internacional de Consciencioterapia (OIC).

Know more about the subject:

Tertúlia Conscienciológica: Autocorreção

[in Portuguese]

Artigo: Estudo Conscienciométrico da Assertividade Cosmoética

[in Portuguese]

Bibliographic References:

2. Castanyer, Olga; A Assertividade: Expressão de uma Auto-estima Saudável (La asertividad, expresión de uma sana autoestima); trad. Ana Corrêa da Silva; 170 p.; 7 caps.; 26 refs.; 3ª. ed.; 14 x 21,5 cm; br.; Tenacitas; Coimbra; Portugal; 2002, página 25.


6. Cerqueira, Flávia; Assertividade Cosmoética; Artigo; 16 p.; Conscientia; Revista; Vol. 9; N. 4; 23 enus.; 1 esquema; 12 refs.; Associação Internacional do Centro dos Altos Estudos da Conscienciologia (CEAEC); Foz do Iguaçu, PR; Outubro-Dezembro, 2005; páginas 354 a 369.


1. Cunha, Antônio Geraldo da; Dicionário Etimológico Nova Fronteira da Língua Portuguesa; XXX + 839 p.; 229 abrevs.; 600 siglas; 2a. ed. rev. e ampl., 15a. impr.; 23 x 16 x 5 cm; Nova Fronteira; Rio de Janeiro, RJ; 1986, páginas 76 e 174.


4. Gouveia, Valdiney Veloso; et al.; Versão Brasileira da Escala de Assertividade Rathus: Teste da Validade de Constructo e Elaboração de Normas Diagnósticas; Universidade Federal da Paraíba; S. D.; página 163.


3. Prette, Almir Del; & Prette, Zilda A. P. Del; Assertividade, Sistema de Crenças e Identidade Social; Psicologia em Revista; Vol. 9; N. 13; Junho, 2003; página 131.


5. Vieira, Waldo; 700 Experimentos da Conscienciologia; 1.058 p.; 700 caps.; 147 abrevs.; 600 enus.; 8 índices; 2 tabs.; 300 testes; glos. 280 termos; 5.116 refs.; alf.; geo.; ono.; 28,5 x 21,5 x 7 cm; enc.; Instituto Internacional de Projeciologia; Rio de Janeiro, RJ; 1994; página 635.


7. Idem; Dicionário de Argumentos da Conscienciologia; revisores Equipe de Revisores do Holociclo; 1.572 p.; 1 blog; 21 E-mails; 551 enus.; 1 esquema da evolução consciencial; 18 fotos; glos. 650 termos; 19 websites; alf.; 28,5 x 21,5 x 7 cm; enc.; Associação Internacional Editares; Foz do Iguaçu, PR; 2014; páginas 80, 222 e 223.


8. Idem; Tríade da Erronia; verbete; In: Vieira, Waldo; Org.; Enciclopédia da Conscienciologia; apres. Coordenação da ENCYCLOSSAPIENS; revisores Equipe de Revi­so­res da ENCYCLOSSAPIENS; 27 Vols.; CLXXIV+23.004 p.; 1.112 citações; 11 crono­lo­gias; 33 E-mails; 206.055 enus.; 602 especialidades; 1 foto; glos. 4.580 termos (verbetes); 701 mi­cro­bio­grafias; 274 tabs.; 702 verbetógrafos; 28 websites; 670 filmes; 13.896 refs.; 54 videografias; 1.087 webgrafias; 9ª Ed. Digital; rev. e aum.; Associação Internacional de Enciclopediologia Cons­cienciológica (ENCYCLOS­SA­PIENS); & Associação Internacional Editares; Foz do Igua­çu, PR; 2018; ISBN 978-85-8477-120-2; páginas 22.306 a 22.308; disponível em: <>; acesso em: 03.06.20; 06h19.

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