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How to calibrate the personal cosmoethical compass?

Have you ever heard of the concept of cosmoethical compass?

From Conscientiology studies, we understand that each individual has an indicator, a kind of internal needle that determines the quality of personal decisions and thosenes (thought + sentiments + energies).

This intimate needle accompanies us in any existential dimension in which we manifest ourselves, whether in the condition of conscin (intraphysical consciousness), projected conscin or consciex (extraphysical consciousness).

When the consciousness needle is healthily functional, it provides the necessary guidance for thosenic manifestations towards Cosmoethics. In this case, it can be said that the person has a calibrated Cosmoethic Compass.


The value of cosmoethical intention

A practical way of evaluating whether the direction or the calibration of the consciential needle is pointed towards the evolutionary north is to identify personal intentionality because, as the intention represents what one intends to do, the purpose or the personal plan, it is determinant for the quality, cosmoethical or not, of personal acts and conduct.


Pathologies of intentionality: amorality and immorality

The pathologies of intentionality that keep the internal compass of consciousness uncalibrated are based on two categories of anticosmoethical manifestations: amorality and immorality.

The amoral conscin is one that lacks a moral sense, so it does not base their own actions and self-thosenity on any moral principles or even notions of morality. On the contrary, those are generally based only on selfishness, momentary interests and personal needs, without making greater consideration of the impacts this may have on others.

As one does not have its cosmoethical principles, one does not feel any kind of embarrassment, shame or self-guilt arising from the evaluation of their anticosmoethical acts and attitudes, harmful to others.

There is that amoral conscin due to ignorance of moral principles, where the lack of cognition acts as a mitigating factor. However, there is also that other who is aware of such a reality, but that simply entirely disregards it, as is the case of psychopathic personalities. In the first case, the consciential compass needle is uncalibrated predominantly by the lack of self-cognition, whereas in the second, by consciously intrusion-related intentionality.

The pathology of immorality, in turn, is a different condition from amorality, since conscin, considered immoral, already has some sense of morality, and it is precisely due to this sketchy moral discernment that, at times, one is embarrassed and ashamed by recognizing self-behaviours as unethical or anticosmoethical.

In the case of immoral conscin, the consciential compass is uncalibrated concerning to the north of cosmoethics due to the persistent option for the corruption of one's own moral values ​​and principles.


One who does not know the consciential paradigm, can be cosmoethical?

The very experience of human ethics already requires, by the person concerned, self-reflection about social morals for the qualification of personal conduct. Would it be possible to consciously experience and reflect on Cosmic Moral without self-cognition about the foundations of the Consciential Paradigm?

Even a truly well-intentioned and assistantial conscin, when unaware of the wide-ranging effects of its own thosenity on environments and consciousness living in the multiple existential dimensions, will have a limitation on its cosmoethical performance.

Even being able to maintain a more homeostatic pattern of manifestation due to good intention, there will still be a lack of greater discernment, for example, to lucidly expand the level of self-cosmoethicality that one already has.


However, we cannot fail to consider the fact that there are exceptional human personalities who, even without formal knowledge of the Consciential Paradigm, seem to have an innate cosmoethical wisdom, explicit in their attitudes and decisions, demonstrating the consciential compass pointed to the evolutionary north. Who would such conscins be? Would they have acquired such cosmoethical discernment in extraphysical experiences in evolved communexes (extraphysical communities) before resoma (rebirth)?

How to evaluate self-intentionality to calibrate the consciential compass?

Self-awareness or diagnosis of the quality of personal intention is an effective way to start calibrating the consciential compass. For this, one can apply the Self-intentionality checkup technique by asking three questions: Why? For what? For whom?

This technique should be applied to daily thosenes, actions and behaviours, and will reveal, in each experiment, facets of the level of corruption or cosmoethics in personal manifestations.

In other words, the moral self-questioning as to the self-intentionality implicit in these three questions is an efficient way of reflecting on cosmoethics itself in practice. Furthermore, in addition to reaching the self-diagnosis of the intention, the technique also puts conscin in the self-confrontation of its own evolutionary reality before Cosmoethicology.

Author: Maximiliano Haymann, conscientiotherapist and volunteer at Organização Internacional de Consciencioterapia (OIC).

Know more about the subject:

Palestra Gratuita: Calibração da Bússola Cosmoética Pessoal

[in Portuguese]

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