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How is your body, facial and vocal expression?

Expressions of the physical body

The external signs of intraphysical consciousness, perceptible to the eyes, ears, and extrasensory paraperceptions, can reveal manifestation traits of the intimate reality of the personality, unmissable to the most attentive observers.

Body, facial and vocal expressions bring to light percentages of the temperament, derived from the paragenetic inheritance of the conscin, constituted along multiple existences.

Several aspects of intraconscientiality analysis can be originated from these signs and expressions, aiming to contribute to the multi-sensory and paraperceptive diagnosis in the consciousness manifestation, allowing to choose an evolutive qualification in its own expression.

Body posture and movement

The analysis of the biotype or physical constitution reveals details of the holosomatic individual. The Conscientiogram, an instrument of integral evaluation of the consciousness, is the room of mirrors, in which the person can observe herself from all angles, including the hunchback (kyphosis) if it exists 1,2.

In this example, the shrunken body posture may point to the unsuccessful attempt of the consciousness to hide from the evolutionary opportunities that daily arise. In certain cases, there is a need for treatment in physiotherapy sessions, due to pain and postural deviations.

Regular physical activities, postural exercises and stretching guided by specialists in the fieldwork as important coadjutors to the intimate recycling movement of the one interested, considering the mutual influence existing between the physical body and the other vehicles of consciential manifestation.

The way of walking or the pattern of walking influences thosenity and vice versa. Analysis of the movement kinematics in self-confident pedestrians indicates, for example, more arm movements and longer footsteps, in contrast to a more restricted walk, with few arm movements and shorter footsteps, typical of those that present a feeling of impotence 3.

Thus, the direct therapeutic action on the physical body (soma), making it firmer, more flexible and physiologically adjusted to the functional anatomy, is a fundamental element for the improvement of energies (energosoma), feelings (psychosoma) and thoughts (mentalsoma).


Facial expression

The facial expression is how the face shows the moral, affective, intellectual state and the consciousness tendency, in that evolutionary moment, being the most common form of emotions expression 4.

Even facial expressions can influence the pattern of thoughts, feelings and energies, as is well known by scientific studies of facial feedback, in which it was observed, for example, that frowning tends to increase self-reported sensations of sadness, anger and aversion. In contrast, maintaining a facial expression of a smile, even if not genuine, mobilizes human physiology in to induce the emotional state of joy 5

However, the value of a smile in the multidimensional daily basis is not always correctly assessed and evaluated. "The good-natured smile, on mentalsomatic bases, a result of self-discernment, can drive away all antagonism and refractoriness, allowing to an open interlocution. There are invaluable smiles" 6.

The face and the facial expressions reveal intraconsciential realities of the most absconscious. "For those who can read the somatic language, the face is the organ of explicit truth" 7.


Vocal expression

In the analysis of self-temperament, it is essential to also evaluate the expression of one's own voice. The timbre, tone and vocal modulation are components of the presential strength and can be calibrated, especially due to the importance of social conviviality 8,9.

Some conscins manifest with the so-called "voice in", at low volume, hindering the fluidity of daily interassistantial exchanges. In certain cases, speech therapy, the use of vocal imposition techniques, as well as breathing techniques are important auxiliary instruments for vocal expression to become clear and unimpeded.

The proper sound projection by controlled use of the diaphragm provides the necessary support so that the voice is well placed and firmly emitted. The training of diaphragmatic breathing, taking the air to the abdomen and expanding the ribs, is an important auxiliary resource, in addition to the correct articulation of the syllables and words, without hastiness.

This lucid use of the laryngochakra in vocal emission makes up a large part of the image and presential strength of the conscin. "The face, the gaze and the voice are the 3 factors that most influence on the set of the presential force, besides the consciential energies of the conscin" 10.


Presential strength

The choice of one's own body expressions - face, posture, voice, breathing rhythm, and others - directly affects the way the consciousness thinks, feels, and manifests in its personal energetic holosphere.

The frame of the human body is intimately related to the presential strength, reflecting the level of balance or imbalance of the consciousness. "It is always good to check if the physical, aesthetic features correspond to the intraconsciential tendencies of the conscin. What calls the greatest attention on people's faces are the eyes, then the eyebrows, and finally the mouth, due to the smile" 11.

The moral or cosmoethical strength of the consciousness enhances the presential strength, amplifying the self-security, which is enriched by the vibrational state (VS), energetic signal and parapsychic self-consciousness 12.

In addition to self-diagnosing temperamental tendencies through the expressions of the physical body, practical self-prescriptions can also be made for reversing consciential traits that are evolutionarily obsoletes, such as those previously described.

Thus, it becomes favored the expansion of the capacity to express oneself in a converged way to the personal strongtraits, allowing the connection with more mature fields of intraconscientiality and enabling the appearance of genuine and interassistantially effective manifestations.


Authoress: Flávia Aouar Cerqueira, conscientiotherapist and volunteer at the International Organization for Conscientiotherapy (OIC).


Know more about the subject:

Expressão Facial: Verbete da Enciclopédia da Conscienciologia [in Portuguese]

Força Presencial: Verbete da Enciclopédia da Conscienciologia [in Portuguese]

Bibliographic references:

3,5 Cuddy, Amy; O Poder da Presença (Presence); trad. Ivo Korytowki; 256 p.; 11 caps.; 19 citações; 15 ilus.; 1 gráf.; 302 refs.; 16 x 23 cm; br.; Sextante; Rio de Janeiro, RJ; 2016; páginas 133, 134 e 153.

1 Vieira, Waldo; Conscienciograma: Técnica de Avaliação da Consciência Integral; 344 p.; 150 abrevs.; 11 enus.; 100 folhas de avaliação; 4 índices; 2.000 itens; glos. 282 termos; 7 refs.; alf.; 21 x 14 cm; br.; Instituto Internacional de Projeciologia; Rio de Janeiro, RJ; 1996; página 52.

6,9 Idem; Dicionário de Argumentos da Conscienciologia; revisores Equipe de Revisores do Holociclo; 1.572 p.; 1 blog; 21 E-mails; 551 enus.; 1 esquema da evolução consciencial; 18 fotos; glos. 650 termos; 19 websites; alf.; 28,5 x 21,5 x 7 cm; enc.; Associação Internacional Editares; Foz do Iguaçu, PR; 2014; páginas 1.363 e 1.405.

4 Idem; Expressão Facial; verbete; In: Vieira, Waldo; Org.; Enciclopédia da Conscienciologia; apres. Coordenação da ENCYCLOSSAPIENS; revisores Equipe de Revi­so­res da ENCYCLOSSAPIENS; 27 Vols.; CLXXIV+23.004 p.; 1.112 citações; 11 crono­lo­gias; 33 E-mails; 206.055 enus.; 602 especialidades; 1 foto; glos. 4.580 termos (verbetes); 701 mi­cro­bio­grafias; 274 tabs.; 702 verbetógrafos; 28 websites; 670 filmes; 13.896 refs.; 54 videografias; 1.087 webgrafias; 9ª Ed. Digital; rev. e aum.; Associação Internacional de Enciclopediologia Cons­cienciológica (ENCYCLOS­SA­PIENS); & Associação Internacional Editares; Foz do Igua­çu, PR; 2018; ISBN 978-85-8477-120-2; páginas 10.696 a 10.699; disponível em: <>; acesso em: 19.05.20; 09h09.


12 Idem; Força Presencial; verbete; In: Vieira, Waldo; Org.; Enciclopédia da Conscienciologia; apres. Coordenação da ENCYCLOSSAPIENS; revisores Equipe de Revi­so­res da ENCYCLOSSAPIENS; 27 Vols.; CLXXIV+23.004 p.; 1.112 citações; 11 crono­lo­gias; 33 E-mails; 206.055 enus.; 602 especialidades; 1 foto; glos. 4.580 termos (verbetes); 701 mi­cro­bio­grafias; 274 tabs.; 702 verbetógrafos; 28 websites; 670 filmes; 13.896 refs.; 54 videografias; 1.087 webgrafias; 9ª Ed. Digital; rev. e aum.; Associação Internacional de Enciclopediologia Cons­cienciológica (ENCYCLOS­SA­PIENS); & Associação Internacional Editares; Foz do Igua­çu, PR; 2018; ISBN 978-85-8477-120-2; páginas 11.174 a 11.179; disponível em: <>; acesso em: 19.05.20; 11h19.

2,7,8,10,11 Idem; Léxico de Ortopensatas; revisores Equipe de Revisores do Holociclo; CEAEC & EDITARES; 3 Vols.; 2.084 p.; Vols. II e III; 1 blog; 652 conceitos analógicos; 22 E-mails; 19 enus.; 1 esquema da evolução consciencial; 17 fotos; glos. 7.518 termos; 1.811 megapensenes trivocabulares; 1 microbiografia; 25.183 ortopensatas; 2 tabs.; 120 técnicas lexicográficas; 19 websites; 28,5 x 22 x 13 cm; enc.; 2a Ed. rev. e aum.; Associação Internacional Editares; Foz do Iguaçu, PR; 2019; páginas 497, 1.617, 1.776 e 2.039.

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